Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    About Us

    The International Journal of Teaching, Learning, and Education (IJTLE) is a premier open-access online journal dedicated to the English language, education, literature, and social science. Our primary goal is to publish high-quality research papers that contribute to these academic areas.

    Scope and Aim

    IJTLE covers various sub-fields within the English language, education, literature, and social science, offering a comprehensive platform for academicians, students, and professionals to share their original research. We accept only original, unpublished papers that are not under review by any other journal.

    Submission Guidelines

    Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts on various topics, contexts, and analytical strategies that explore the dynamic relationship between literature and knowledge. We welcome a wide array of submissions, including, but not limited to:

    • Teaching methods
    • Learning processes
    • Educational practices
    • English language studies
    • Literature analysis

    Why Publish with IJTLE?

    • Open Access: Your research will be freely accessible to a global audience.
    • Quality and Originality: We publish only original and high-quality research papers and review articles.
    • Expert Editorial Board: Our board comprises leading experts dedicated to maintaining academic excellence.

    Submit your manuscript today and contribute to advancing teaching, learning, and education knowledge.

    Topics of Interest:

    All topics are on teaching, learning, and education, English language, education, and literature studies.

    Submit Your Manuscript at or Online

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