Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    Bioeconomy Game: Sustainable Development in Your Home - A Proposal of Pedagogical Practices in Environmental Education in Brazil


    Author: Lorraynne Oliveira-Souza, Leonardo de Souza Carvalo, Sonia Cristina de Souza Pantoja, Anna Carina Antunes e Defaveri, Ygor Jessé Ramos, João Carlos da Silva

    Keywords: Citizenship, Active Learning, and Sustainability.

    Abstract: This study aims to report on the development and implementation of an educational board game, called the "Bioeconomy Game", for environmental education. The game was created to raise awareness and encourage the adoption of sustainable practices. Through the use of creativity, the game provides an opportunity to address common misconceptions and generate awareness about the impact of human activities on nature. Therefore, it is a valuable tool for promoting environmental education for both children and adults in a playful and engaging way.

    Article Info: Received: 19 Sep 2022, Received in revised form: 13 Oct 2022, Accepted: 21 Oct 2022, Available online: 30 Oct 2022

    Bioeconomy Game: Sustainable Development in Your Home - A Proposal of Pedagogical Practices in Environmental Education in Brazil DOI: 10.22161/ijtle.1.3.5

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