Keywords: Organizational culture, Employee turnover, Job satisfaction, Lack of recognition, Lack of rewards
Abstract: The present research aimed to investigate the mediation role of employee turnover factors including (employee overworked, lack of feedback, lack of growth, lack of recognition, lack of reward) with job satisfaction. The current research attempted to measure five research hypotheses developed earlier in this study. For this reason, the study employed quantitative method to examine the mediation role. An online questionnaire was prepared by the researchers through developing and adapting survey from different sources. The study was able to gather 78 filled questionnaires. The findings showed that a Sobel test revealed that organizational culture strongly mediates the association between employee turnover factors (employee overworked, lack of feedback, lack of growth, lack of recognition, lack of reward) and job satisfaction in selected private businesses in Iraq's Kurdistan.
DOI: 10.22161/ijtle.1.4.3
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