Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    Are We Doing Enough to Recruit and Retain Nontraditional, Part Time Learners in Our Colleges and Universities?


    Author: Ellen Flynn, Jacqueline Rios

    Keywords: nontraditional college students, part time learners, recruitment and retention efforts, course design for working adults.

    Abstract: The researchers contend that colleges and universities are not providing enough student support services, academic advisement, proper course design and course content to meet the cognitive, social emotional, financial, and work-related needs of nontraditional, part time learners. Even though enrollment for part time learners is projected to increase in the near future, colleges and universities tend to overlook this ever-growing, diverse student population. Suggestions for how to improve support services for the nontraditional, part time learner, recruitment, and retention initiatives, as well as effective teaching-learning experiences to promote academic success for the part time learner are presented and discussed in detail. The implementation of these suggestions should promote the part time learner’s ability to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to stay relevant in the job market and, at the same time, increase enrollment of this unique student population on our college and university campuses.

    Article Info: Received: 07 Jan 2024, Received in revised form: 11 Feb 2025, Accepted: 15 Feb 2025, Available online: 19 Feb 2025

    Are We Doing Enough to Recruit and Retain Nontraditional, Part Time Learners in Our Colleges and Universities? DOI: 10.22161/ijtle.4.1.4

    Total View: 210 Page No: 28-31

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