Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    Bibliometrics and visual analysis: Trends in instructional design in a blended learning environment in the post-pandemic era


    Author: Feng Yuanyuan, Rajendran Nagappan

    Keywords: blended learning、instructional design、Vosviewer、Scimago Graphic、Post-pandemic Era

    Abstract: Blended learning has been a major trend since the early 2000s, combining the advantages of online and face-to-face teaching[1,2]. Blended learning has the potential to provide learners with choice and flexibility to participate in the online portion of the course[3].In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased the prevalence of blended learning teaching models, which many expect to continue to increase even after the COVID-19 pandemic is over[4,5]. The main goal of this study was to use advanced analytical tools, in particular VOSviewer and Scimago Graphica, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of academic articles on this critical topic of instructional design in mixed environments for the period from 2020 to April 2024. A rigorous screening process was meticulously carried out, ultimately identifying 67 relevant articles from the highly respected Web of Science database, subject to specific conditions set by the researchers. The main result of this study is to comprehensively examine and identify the outstanding research hotspots in the field of instructional design under the blended learning environment. The results of this research investigation are expected to make a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge, provide valuable insights, and facilitate further understanding of current research and subsequent developments in the field.

    Article Info: Received: 06 Dec 2024, Received in revised form: 09 Jan 2025, Accepted: 15 Jan 2025, Available online: 20 Jan 2025

    Bibliometrics and visual analysis: Trends in instructional design in a blended learning environment in the post-pandemic era DOI: 10.22161/ijtle.4.1.2

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