Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    Impact Factor (2024): 3.84  |  ISSN: 2583-4371
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    The importance of teaching paradigmatic lexical relations to EFL students: How to teach homonymy


    Author: Dr. Alda Jashari

    Keywords: vocabulary, homonymy, paradigmatic relations, teaching, language skills, strategies

    Abstract: Developing vocabulary knowledge is crucially important for second language learners because vocabulary is the key determinant of all skills, and these are, in turn, of vital importance for academic success, both in children and adults. Vocabulary is essential for expressing thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly and accurately. A strong vocabulary enables students to articulate their viewpoints more effectively in both written and spoken forms, facilitating better interactions in academic and social contexts. English vocabulary is rich in pairs of words, identical in sound and spelling but different on meaning. One of the problems teachers are usually concerned is how to explain to the students the difference between two words of identical form but completely separated meanings and two words of the same form whose meanings are different but still related. The problem of teaching the sameness of name combined with the difference of meaning might seem to present teachers with an extremely daunting task. Understanding homonyms is crucial for students because it enhances their linguistic skills and improves reading comprehension. It also aids in developing critical thinking when faced with language ambiguities. This paper aims at providing a carefully and necessary analysis on the methods, activities and tools teachers should use as to encourage ELF students to explore the meanings of new homonymous words they encounter, to empower their linguistic and communicative skills and create an effective and inspiring learning environment.

    Article Info: Received: 12 Sep 2024, Received in revised form: 10 Oct 2024, Accepted: 15 Oct 2024, Available online: 22 Oct 2024

    The importance of teaching paradigmatic lexical relations to EFL students: How to teach homonymy DOI: 10.22161/ijtle.3.5.7

    Total View: 11 Page No: 65-69

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